5 Must-Have Soft Skills Every Gen Z Needs For Career Growth

There are must-have skills every Gen Z needs for productive career growth and development in the ever-changing world.

The employment market and several companies have more Gen Z taking up spaces in recent years. Some studies as far back as 2020 show that Gen Z will take over 20% of the workforce in the next few years.

It’s no news that Gen Z is the first generation to grow up in a digital world, which means they have access and thrive easily in the digital space. Due to their immersion in technology, most of the members of this generation are self-learners who feel more comfortable absorbing information online while learning digital skills and working remotely.

However, having access to these resources doesn’t guarantee they possess all the skills to develop their careers and succeed.

In this article, we have put together a list of must-have skills every Gen Z needs for career development and growth.

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5 Soft Skills Every Gen Z Needs For Career Growth

Are you a Gen Z who yearns for career growth, development and success? You’re at the right place.

By the end of this article, you will mastered the soft skills you need to stay at the top of your career.


1. Communication

5 Soft Skills Every Gen Z Needs For Career Growth

The bedrock of every successful career involves effective communication. Gen Z is the generation that grew up with digital devices and social media as a means of communication, hence the need to learn and master the skill of verbal communication for career development and growth.

In today’s global and dispersed work environments, you need to learn a mature way of communicating either verbally or across different channels with colleagues, team leads and management.

While communicating, it’s important to listen actively, use appropriate body language while maintaining eye contact and adjust your tone to suit your respective audience.


2. Monotasking

Since most Gen Z acquire most of their skills online, multitasking comes into play, thereby leading to distractions.

Although multitasking will help to perform multiple tasks at the same which is desirable to a lot of employers, it can also lead to poor productivity.

To succeed in your career as a Gen Z, you should learn to mono-task in some cases. All you need to do is take about two to three hours to focus on a particular task and dedicate your all to it within the apportioned time.

Whether you have a ton of tasks on your to-do list, you’ll still be able to finish them once you tackle one task at a time to avoid being overwhelmed and doing the barest minimum.


3. Collaboration

5 Soft Skills Every Gen Z Needs For Career Growth

One of the skills every Gen Z needs for career growth and development is the ability to collaborate.

In today’s fast-paced world with ever-changing trends across different industries, collaborating with different skills is very essential to building a productive team, sustaining growth and achieving faster career development.

The power of collaboration can never be over-emphasized in career development and growth; the earlier you tap into it as a Gen Z, the faster you achieve great career feats and relevance.


4. Criticism Evaluation

Criticism evaluation is one of the must-have skills every Gen Z to master for career growth and development.

Gen Z is known for not holding back when calling out unfair treatment, poor hiring practices, poor leadership and criticism. This is quite admirable as it showcases confidence and the fearlessness required to combat inequalities.

However, not all criticisms are bad and need to be called out as unfair treatment. Every Gen Z needs to be able to discern between constructive criticism and destructive one to achieve greater success.

Evaluating criticism from colleagues, team leads, customers, managers and industry experts will help you discern constructive and destructive criticism. Receiving constructive criticism and working on your weaknesses will result in significant career progress.


5. Focus

5 Soft Skills Every Gen Z Needs For Career Growth

Growing up in an era where every solution is a quick search away, distraction is inevitable. Focus is one of the must-have skills every Gen Z needs to grow and develop their career in today’s complex work environment.

Phones and social media have been known to be a great distraction to millennials and Gen Z, hence the need to keep them away to achieve great productivity. A certain level of discipline needs to be attained to maintain focus and avoid distractions from social media and phones.


Owning digital skills is not enough to develop your career as a Gen Z, you need to master these skills above to improve your productivity in this ever-changing world.

However, “Rome is not built in a day”. You need to keep practising these skills for you to master them and it’s okay to master one skill at a time.

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