Here’s Why Upskilling Can Be The Best Next Move For Your Career

Do you know that upskilling can be the life-changing decision you can make for your career in 2024?

With a rapidly changing system in the different sectors today, new and improved skills are in great demand. Tapping into that demand will improve your relevance and make you a top choice in your industry.

Knowing the importance of upskilling, some organizations take the initiative to improve their employees’ skills by enrolling them on different programs and platforms, which has benefitted them greatly.

Upskilling usually occurs through additional training and education that helps to build existing skills while more can be added as well. One thing you need to know about upskilling is that you don’t necessarily indicate a role change outside of your current department or career path.

Upskilling is the same as investing in yourself to meet the ever-evolving demands of your clients, employers and customers. It has become a modern-day business strategy that several companies employ.

Beyond all these, here are several reasons why upskilling is the best thing that can happen to your career in 2024.

Also Read: See The 5 High-Demand Skills…At Least One Will Boost Your Income In 2024

5 Benefits of Upskilling For Employers and Employees

We have put together a list of five incredible benefits of upskilling yourself as an employee and your staff as an employer.

1. Increases Productivity

5 Benefits of Upskilling For Employers and Employees

The shortest route to increasing your productivity is to upskill. Working smart is better than working hard, and upskilling will help you with that.

Organizing professional training that allows your employees to improve and upskill in areas where they lack will increase their productive output and automatically impact your business positively over a long period.

Completing tasks and being proactive will no longer be foreign to you as long as you’re upskilling. The hunger for productivity and knowledge will be fostered when you make extra effort to upskill.

2. Cost Effective Than External Hiring

Employers who invest in upskilling and equipping their employees with required knowledge always save more on salaries than external hiring.

When employees are updated with the latest trends, tools and skills for their roles, you wouldn’t need to make external hiring for a role that could be filled by an existing employee.

The process you follow to hire an external person is longer than the one you’ll use to upskill your employees.

Beyond the rigorous process involved in hiring, building a reliable and formidable team developed to meet your company’s needs produces considerable benefits.

From team bonding to greater motivation, upskilling is one of the best ways to build a consistent team.

3. Competitive Edge

During a recruitment process, hiring managers will pick someone who will solve current problems with their expertise over the one who lacks the skills to solve current problems. This is why you need to pay attention to upskilling.

It gives you a competitive edge and places you on a pedestal where you can demand what you deserve from intending employers. With upskilling, your relevance skyrockets and you become a “hot cake” in the employment market.

If you have been looking to change your current job, improve your skills and get updated with the latest information, you’ll find yourself acing interviews.

4. Creates a culture and appetite for learning

5 Benefits of Upskilling For Employers and Employees

Upskilling creates culture and a voracious appetite in an organization or for an individual.

As an employer or team leader, creating a culture of continuous learning within your team is essential if you want growth, productivity and success. Once there’s an appetite for learning, improving their skills will be voluntary and you’ll find your team breaking new ground.

Also, encouraging your employees or team members to upskill regularly will expand their industry knowledge while promoting innovation within your company.

5. Improves Employees Retention

Employees tend to leave companies that do not challenge their growth or improve their skills. The key to retaining your staff is upskilling.

Companies that care less about the personal and professional development of their staff tend to lose them. This is because the employees begin to feel like career development is been stalled while working for that company.

LinkedIn’s 2022 workplace learning report shows that upskilling and robust training programs improve employee retention.

Equipping your employees with new skills that are important for their role also increases internal career mobility, allowing growth amongst talented team members within the company and taking on greater responsibility.

The benefit and importance of upskilling can never be overemphasized, hence the need for Dexter to start a Skill Acquisition Bootcamp which started from May 15 through to July 13, 2024.

You can be part of this opportunity by sending us a DM on our social media platforms or calling 07025165691 or 09028820471.

Call us today!


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